
Deadly Coldest Places

Eastern Antarctic Plateau, Antarctica (-94°C)

 East Antarctica has the coldest place on Earth. Satellites tell us that the air there can get as cold as -94°C. The air is very dry, which might make it even colder.

Vostok Station Antarctica (-89.2°C)

 Vostok is a cold place in the south where scientists study. It was -89.2°C there in 1983, the coldest ever. It barely snows, only 20 millimetres a year.

Amundsen-Scott Station, Antarctica (-82.8°C)

People study the South Pole at the Amundsen-Scott Station.The warmest day was -12.3°C on Christmas. The coldest day was -82.8°C in June.

Denali, Alaska, United States of America (-73°C)

Denali is the old name of Mount McKinley.It is the tallest mountain in North America. It is over 6000 metres high. A weather place there measured -73°C once. The wind can make it feel like -83.4°C.

Klinck station, Greenland (-69.6°C)

Klinck weather station is the Arctic Circle’s coldest place.It was -69.6°C in December 1991, 2 degrees colder than Oymyakon

Oymyakon, Siberia, Russia (-67.7°C)

Oymyakon is the world’s coldest place where people live.It was -67.7°C there in 1933. Less than 500 people live there. Schools close only if it is colder than -55°C. That is the normal winter temperature there.

North Ice, Greenland (-66.1°C)

– The British North Greenland Expedition set up this research station in the 1950s. It had the coldest temperature in North America then. It was -66.1°C there in 1954.

Yakutsk, Siberia, Russia (-64.4°C)

 Yakutsk is a very cold city on frozen ground. It has short hot summers and long very cold winters. It was -64.4°C there in 1891. The Lena river freezes in winter and people can drive on it.

Snag, Yukon Territory, Canada (-62.8°C)

Snag is a small village in northwest Canada.It was -62.8°C there once. 

Prospect Creek, Alaska, USA (-62.1°C)

 People made the village for a big pipe project in the 1970s. Now it is almost empty. It was -62.1°C there in 1971. It is one of the USA’s coldest places in winter.



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